SpaceCamp is currently engaged in three builds within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) in the Santa Cruz mountains.
Boony Doon
This project is a rebuild on a site where the existing single family home was lost to the CZU Lightning Complex fire in August 2020. This has become an extremely personal project for Trevor, SpaceCamp's Principal Designer & Head Builder, who also lives in Bonny Doon and nearly lost his own family home in this fire. Trevor helped these clients make their decision to go with Hygge Supply as their prefabricated steel building designer and manufacturer. We are project managing and general contracting this build, and are designing in partnership with Carrie Jones & Amy West as Landscape Architects. Trevor sits on the design review board at the Santa Lucia Preserve in Carmel Valley with Amy West, and Carrie Jones is Trevor's wife.
A local magazine, Santa Cruz Waves interviewed Trevor and included several photographs he had taken in the aftermath of the CZU Lightning Complex fire in their article describing challenges faced by local residents attempting to rebuild following this natural disaster.
Los Gatos
This project is very near the actual summit of the Santa Cruz mountains. It is an extremely difficult build site, and a challenging location for fire safety. The owner chose a prefabricated building by Los Angeles-based Plus Hus for this 640 SF ADU. SpaceCamp is also working on a renovation of the main house that includes a solar and a battery backup system to get this property nearly completely off-grid.
Santa Cruz
This is an exciting project for SpaceCamp which incorporates a rain-screen system using Thermory thermally modified wood siding (also used on the Hygge home in Bonny Doon) and a metal roof. It is a conversion of a horse barn whose new program includes a wood shop and a satellite laboratory for a scientist who will test water samples from throughout California for analysis in his primary lab at USC.
This is really amazing info for those us without context into how bad the CZU complex fire was.